40 Affirmations For Anxiety To Relax And Feel Better

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Anxiety can be debilitating. Whether it’s because of your upcoming job interview or simply due to an uncomfortable phone call you have to make, when anxiety creeps up on you, life becomes a living hell.

Not only that it hurts you psychologically, anxiety can even have serious physiological effects and when left unchecked, it can even cause heart attacks. So if worrying has become a regular thing for you, it’s time to find a way to tame it and start a new chapter in your life free from stress and anxiety.

When it comes to changing your mental state and getting a more desirable outlook on life, there are few things that can beat positive affirmations.

Practicing positive affirmations on a daily basis can drastically reduce your awful feelings of anxiety and help you calm down when life becomes stressful.

If you’re going through one of those tough times, just click the play button and let these anxiety affirmations help you relax and feel much better.

Calming Anxiety Affirmations


My mind is calm and collected


No matter what happens, everything is going to be alright


I breathe in calmness and release all negativity with every exhalation


Anxiety has no control over my mind


I am in full control of my emotions and I choose to be calm


I am free from all anxiety and worry


With each breath I become calmer and calmer


I release all worry and anxiety from my body


There is nothing wrong with me or my feelings


The world is a safe place full of kind and generous people


I am stronger than any challange I face


I am allowing my mind and body to relax


I let go of all my doubts, fears and insecurities


I radiate positive vibes wherever I go


I feel safe, secure and powerful


Every problem in life has a simple solution


I face challanges with calmness and confidence


I deserve to live a happy life free from anxiety


I am worthy of a beautiful future and the universe is bringing it to me right now


My future is bright and it is full of good experiences


I trust the universe, I trust the world and I trust people


I have everything I need to overcome any obstacle


I am not controlled by my negative emotions


I deserve to be free from all worry and anxiety


I fully accept myself and my feelings


Fear and anxiety can’t control my destiny


I am resourceful enough to deal with any problem I face


I trust the universe to guide me through life


My world takes care of my every need


I deserve to live a stress-free life


My body is relaxed and my breathing is natural


I feel safe, secure and powerful


I am smart and resourceful, able to take on any challange in my way


Good things in life come to me easily


No matter what, I am not alone


I am stronger than my anxiety


I am in full control of my negative emotions and I choose to release them


This life is a beautiful gift and I choose to enjoy it to the fullest


I let go of all my worries and choose a stress-free life instead


I am completely free

How Affirmations Can Help With Anxiety

Affirmations are positive statements that are designed to influence your subconscious mind and cause a positive shift in your mental state by helping you focus on more positive aspects of your life.

One of the hardest things about anxiety is changing your mental state because when you’re feeling that crippling stress, it’s really hard to focus on anything else.

By repeating affirmations for anxiety either out loud or simply in your head, you can distract yourself from becoming too focused on anxious thoughts and feelings.

With the positive reinforcement that comes from practicing affirmations, your mental state shifts to a more relaxed and positive one, helping you cope with worry and stress more effectively.

And with constant practice these positive statements become second nature to you and dealing with anxiety becomes easier and easier over time.

Ways To Ease Stress And Worry

Aside from using anxiety affirmations on this page on a regular basis, there are many other strategies you can use to deal with stress and reduce anxiety levels.

  • Use your body to trick your mind. When you get anxious and stressed out certain things start happening to your body. You start breathing faster, you get fidgety and restless, your muscles get tense and tight. In fact if you did all these things you could actually put yourself in an anxious state without any external influence. So by doing the opposite (i.e. taking deep breaths, moving slowly and relaxing your muscles), you can trick your mind to think that you are not feeling anxious and actually reduce your stress.
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle. No matter what kind of problem you’re dealing with, keeping your body healthy and fit is one of the most important things that will help you handle that issue better. So make sure to exercise regularly and eat a healthy diet. Remember to get enough sleep and be properly hydrated.
  • Take it easy on yourself. No amount of anxiety can you hurt more than a pessimistic and negative attitude. If you want to live a stress-free life that’s full of joy and happiness, cut yourself some slack and learn to not take things too seriously.

Final Thoughts

Anxiety is not only a psychologically debilitating issue but it’s a serious problem with dangerous health problems.

Positive affirmations that are designed for anxiety can help reduce your symptoms and start living a stress-free and relaxed life that you deserve by improving your mental attitude.

Along with repeating anxiety affirmations daily, make sure to develop healthy habits and turn your focus towards more positive and optimistic thoughts.

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