45 Morning Affirmations To Start Your Day Off Right

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How you start your day greatly influences how the rest of it goes. So in order to have a great day that you always wish to have, you need to have a morning routine that empowers you and makes it a sure thing that you’ll spend the rest of your day feeling awake, motivated and happy.

This is exactly where morning affirmations come into play. Affirmations are encouraging sentences that are carefully designed to help you manifest your ideal life by changing your mindset from scarcity to abundance and aligning your thoughts with the energy of success and happiness.

One of the best times in the day to practice affirmations is during the morning. Because your mind is still fresh and clear after a good night’s sleep, it will be more receptive towards affirmations and more open to receiving positive and life-changing ideas.

If you don’t consider yourself a morning person and you always have to drag yourself out of the bed feeling unmotivated and having low energy, these hand-picked morning affirmations will help you get that strength you need and carry it along all day long.

These morning affirmations are carefully chosen to help you get ready for the day and attract success and happiness in all areas of your life. So, click the play button when you’re ready and start your day straight away!

Powerful Morning Affirmations


Today will be a wonderful day full of joy and happiness


I welcome this beautiful day with hope and excitement.


I see every new day as a gift from the universe


I am energized and full of vitality


I greet today with open arms and an open heart


I feel incredible opportunities waiting for me


I am ready to take on any challange I might face today


I am taking action towards my goals everyday


Today will bring me great opportunities


I have total confidence in myself and my abilities


I am healthy, wealthy and in the good company of people I love


My body is healthy and full of positive energy


I am feeling vibrant, healthy and powerful


I have endless energy and motivation


I am ready to offer my best self to the world


I feel an abundance of energy and motivation


I have everything I need to conquer any obstacle in my way


I wake up to this day feeling confident and full of energy


Today I will take action to create lasting change


Today is going to be the perfect day


Incredible things will happen to me today


My priorities are set and I am ready for action


I feel the support of the universe with every decision I make


I am attracting my ideal lifestyle


Today I will act with mindfulness and thankfulness


I feel gratitude for this new and beautiful day


I start my day by letting go of everything that no longer serves me


Everyday I am striving to be better than the previous day


I believe that everything will work out for my highest good


I believe in myself fully


I feel gratitude for everything that I have and everything that I am


I see this day as an incredible gift for me


Today I will let my intuition and inner wisdom make decisions for me


Today I will celebrate every small victory to the fullest


I have everything within my power to make today a great day


I choose to see the beauty in everything around me


My vision for today is clear and it is aligned with my higher purpose


I am a magnet for happiness


My guardian angel is looking after me today


I am motivated to accomplish any task


My relationship with myself and others is getting better everyday


I greet the morning sun with gratitude and joy


I expect great things to happen today


I have the right mindset to bring me success and happiness


I am ready to discover my true destiny

How To Practice Morning Affirmations

The morning affirmations on this page are carefully crafted to be ingrained into your subconscious mind to positively affect your thought-patterns and presented with captivating visuals and sounds to help you get the most out of them, so in order for them to start working you don’t actually need to put in any extra effort.

But if you want to get the best results, here are some tips for you;

  • When it comes to affirmations, repetition is the key. If you want these morning affirmations to truly become a part of your natural way of thinking, be sure to make them a part of your morning routine and repeat them daily.
  • While listening to these morning affirmations, focus your mind on each sentence and repeat them either in your mind or out loud. If you have a piece of paper and a pen, write them down so that each affirmation is firmly established in your psyche.
  • Listen to morning affirmations with good headphones and in a quiet environment where you will not be disturbed or interrupted. Don’t listen to these affirmations while doing something else that requires your attention like driving.
  • Listen to these morning affirmations right after you wake up when your mind is still fresh and clear. This way your mind will internalize them more easily and you will get into an optimistic and empowered mindset that will help you through the day even more effortlessly.

The Key To A Kick-Ass Morning

The quality of your whole life is determined by how you spend your days and how you start your day tremendously affects how the rest of it will go.

So if you want to change your whole destiny, the best way to go about it is by having a good morning routine that supports you in achieving your goals and going about your day in a happy and contented frame of mind.

A good morning routine starts by setting aside some time for yourself every single morning before you begin tackling your day-to-day tasks.

The key here is consistency and making sure that you’re not bothered by the demands of the outer world and you completely focus on improving your state of mind and fulfilling the needs of your soul.

There are many ways to start your morning that will result in going through your whole day in a productive and happy manner. So here are some suggestions on how to have the perfect morning routine that will improve your whole life;

  • Well, of course starting your morning routine with morning affirmations is one of the best ways to set yourself up for success through your whole day. To get into the right mindset for the day listen to the morning affirmations on this page and follow the tips above to get the best effect.
  • Practice journaling. If you want to understand yourself better and know what’s truly going on in your mind, writing down your thoughts on a daily basis will help you get a better grasp on what you’re actually thinking and feeling. So start writing down what’s on your mind each morning and be consistent about it if you want to dive deep into your inner world.
  • Consider some form of a physical exercise. Exercising daily is one of the best ways to improve your life and if you’ve still not incorporated some kind of a physical exercise into your day you’re missing out on a lot. Lifting weights, doing cardio, yoga, stretching; you name it. There are many different forms of exercise and a simple session as short as 10-15 minutes can improve your day considerably.
  • Spend time on a hobby. Hobbies make us feel good, that’s the whole reason why we’re doing them. When you find yourself being crushed under the weight of work and responsibilities it’s so easy to forget doing things that you truly enjoy and this is why it’s important to set aside time in the morning for a hobby. Whether it’s reading books, gardening or model building, starting your day by enjoying a hobby is a great way to help yourself become happier and more fulfilled.

Final Thoughts

Listening to powerful positive affirmations in the morning help you start your day in the right mindset that will help you throughout the day and even benefit you through your whole life.

Since starting your day on the right foot is of great importance, having a morning routine that will fill your mind and body with motivation and energy is crucial. Affirmations that are designed to aid you in having a positive and productive attitude should be the most important part of your daily morning routine.

If you truly want to change your life and manifest your true destiny, practice morning affirmations daily to help achieve that by aligning you with the energy of abundance and happiness.

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