42 Self Love Affirmations To Develop Self Esteem

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One of the most important skills in life above all is self-love and knowing how worthy you are. No matter what others seem to be thinking about you, developing healthy levels of self-love and compassion is crucial for real success and happiness.

But it’s easier said than done. It’s very normal for you to have doubts and insecurities about yourself, have shortcomings and even dislike yourself sometimes.

This is where inspiring self-love affirmations come in handy. They can help you grow a better attitude towards yourself by reinforcing positive beliefs and shutting off negative self-talk.

The self love affirmations that you will find below will help you love yourself more, get rid of toxic beliefs that hurt you and understand your true worth as a human being.

So, if you’re ready to develop your self love and become more confident and self-assured, hit the play button and let your mind absorb these powerful self-love affirmations.

Self Love Affirmations


I am worthy of love


I am beautiful and strong


I love my imperfections because they make me special


I let go of all negative thoughts about myself


I am proud of myself and my achievements


I deserve love and affection


I forgive my mistakes and treat myself with kindness


Before seeking love from anyone else, I love and fully accept myself


The only validation I need is my own


I live my life by my own rules


When I don’t want something, I say “No!” with ease


I am more than my body


My life is a beautiful adventure


I love being myself and speaking my truth


My quirks make me unique and interesting


I love being me and not anyone else


I love myself for who I am


I release all the negative feelings about myself


I choose to love myself


I am smart and capable


There is nothing I can’t achieve


My potential is unlimited and I am confident in my abilities


My future is bright and full of joy


The world needs what I have to contribute


Others need my help and support, not the other way around


I am worthy of a good life


I have pure intentions that come right from my soul


I trust my inner voice to guide me through life


Everyday when I look in the mirror, I see how beautiful I am


I am attractive and lovable


I have unlimited power to achieve anything I want


The universe supports me at every step


My mind is free of all negative self talk


I deserve kindness and respect


I am at peace with myself


Others value my opinions and feelings


I attract love and happiness


My thoughts, words and actions are perfectly aligned


I am stronger than any challanges I might face


I am authentic and I freely express my true self


I am proud of my present and future self


I give myself permission to accept love

How Affirmations Can Help You Love Yourself

It’s no doubt that having healthy levels of self-love is tremendously beneficial for living a life of abundance and happiness.

If you’re the type of person who has the destructive habit of negative self-talk, positive affirmations will increase your self esteem and confidence by helping you discover your positive traits and strengths.

By reinforcing positive beliefs and reminding yourself that you are worthy on a daily basis you will start growing more loving towards yourself and improve your life day by day.

Affirmations for self love will shut off that inner critic and eventually you will start learning to appreciate yourself and feel proud of your accomplishments.

Developing A More Compassionate Attitude Towards Yourself

Besides positive self love affirmations, there are many other things to improve your attitude towards yourself and here are some;

  • Stop comparing yourself to others. The best way to start developing self love is to realize that life is not a competition and others are not your opponent. By letting go of comparing yourself to others you will become more grounded and able to love yourself more.
  • Forgive yourself. Remember that we all make mistakes and the important thing is to learn from them and move on. Stop clinging to your flaws and realize that you are worthy no matter what.
  • Improve yourself on a daily basis. No matter where you’re at in life you can always improve your skills and become better. As a consequence, you will feel proud of yourself and this will help you develop self love.
  • Remind yourself of your positive qualities. Let go of listening to the negative voice in your head and always focus on good things about yourself. Remind yourself of these positive qualities consistently and strive to add more to the list.

Final Thoughts

One of the most important skills to develop for lifelong success and happiness is self-love and by developing love for yourself you can feel more confident and positive.

Practicing positive affirmations for self love daily is a great way to stop talking to yourself negatively and start seeing yourself in a more positive light.

By developing self love with positive affirmations you will start manifesting more love and success into your life and live a happier, more fulfilling life.

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