70 Positive Affirmations That Actually Work

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When it comes to achieving success and happiness in life, a positive attitude is one of the most important assets you can have in your arsenal.

But as with anything in life, developing a positive attitude is a skill that must be practiced on a consistent basis to become second nature and positive affirmations can help you do just that!

Affirmations are positive phrases that can help you reprogram your subconscious mind and manifest your desires when repeated over and over again.

Because your thoughts actually control your reality to a great extent, by changing how you think you can actually change your whole life.

The power of affirmations in regard to transforming your mindset and your life can not be denied. With the positive affirmations that you will find below you can improve your life and start manifesting your true destiny.

If you’re ready to use the Law of Attraction to attract positivity and happiness into your life, hit the play button and let the positive affirmations do the rest for you.

Positive Affirmations


I am whole, complete and enough on my own


I am open to positive thoughts


I am ready for positive experiences in my life


I am in control of my feelings and I choose happiness


I have everything I need to live a happy and fulfilling life


I choose positivity over negativity


I choose to see the beauty in everything around me


I inhale positivity and exhale all negative thoughts


I am strong, brave and capable


Everyday I am getting more aligned with my divine purpose


I embrace a positive outlook on life


I love how I look and feel


I am powerful, unique and beautiful


Life is full of beautiful things that fill me with joy and positivity


I am in control of my destiny and I choose positivity


The world is full of incredible people and I am among them


Optimism is my nature


I seek beauty and the universe gives it to me


I fill everyday with kind words and actions


I choose kindness and positivity as my way of being


I am worthy of good things


I deserve a happy and fulfilling life


I choose abundance over scarcity


I am happy, healthy and wealthy


Others are always drawn to me


The world is full of supportive and kind people


I am an inspiration for people around me


I see challanges as opportunities to grow


I speak to others with kindness and they treat me with kindness


I am working towards becoming my best self


I love myself unconditionally


I learn from the past, live in the now and am excited about the future


I have a growth mindset and learn new things everyday


I have a unique relationship with the world that gives me joy and fulfilment


I have a lot to offer to others and they appreciate my contribution


No matter what happens I can always get back on track


I step outside my comfort zone and do something that scares me everyday


I let positivity guide my decisions


Positive and good thoughts flow into my mind effortlessly


I always attract positive things into my life


My world takes care of my every need


I pay attention to positivity and more positive experiences find me


The world is full of new and exciting experiences


I breathe deeply and get more grounded with each breath


I have full trust in my abilities


I trust the world and I trust people


My intentions alone create abundance


Wonderful surprises await me


I surround myself with people who want the best for me


Everything will work out for my highest good


I am fully aligned with the energy of positivity and joy


I respect myself and honor my preferences


I feel the universe looking out for me


I love seeing others succeed and it only makes me more powerful


I work towards my goals everyday with conviction


I see the beauty in little things


I love every living being on this planet


I love my body, I love my mind and I love my spirit


I am fully aligned with my heart’s desires


I make my decisions from a place of abundance and positivity


I think positive thoughts about myself and others


My mind is always present in the moment


I love myself for who I am


I love others for who they are


I love life for what it is


I let go of worries and choose excitement instead


I let go of all negative experiences in my past


I am grateful for everything I have


Life brings me good experiences and I enjoy them to the fullest


I think of positive thoughts and positivity finds me

How To Use Positive Affirmations

Even though the positive affirmations you find here are precisely designed to be absorbed by your subconscious mind, there are some tips that you can follow to get the most out of them.

  • Start by completely focusing on each affirmation and repeating it either out loud or in your mind. When practicing affirmations, let go of all other thoughts and be completely present in the moment.
  • Make sure to listen to positive affirmations at least once each day. By being consistent with your daily affirmation practice, positive thoughts will be reinforced and become an integral part of your thought process over time.
  • When listening to affirmations, use good headphones and be in an environment you will not be disturbed. Set aside some time for yourself each day and practice these affirmations with utmost attention.
  • Share positive affirmations with others and join or create environments where people are supporting each other become their best selves.

Tips For Developing A Positive Attitude

In addition to having a daily affirmation practice, there are some incredible things that you can do to develop a more positive attitude and improve your life.

  • Accept what you can’t control. Focusing on things you can’t control is one surefire way to find yourself feeling awful and powerless. So, in order to feel more positive, only concern yourself with what you control and do your best at it.
  • Stop feeding your mind with negativity. No matter who you are you will get influenced by your environment and the type of information you consume. Realize the impact that the media and others can have on your mindset and go on a low-information diet. Surround yourself with positive people and they will eventually rub off on you.
  • Practice gratitude. It’s easy to complain about everything and forget that life is a beautiful miracle but complaining only attracts more stuff to complain about. Remind yourself everyday of the good things in life and the universe will bring more of it to you.
  • Don’t sweat the small stuff. Another important tip for developing positivity is to focus on what truly matters. Stop micromanaging everything and let the chips fall where they may. Let go of trying to control everything and you will definitely get much happier.

How Affirmations Can Change Your Life

Affirmations are positive sentences designed to reprogram your mind and transform the way you think. So, how do simple phrases help you change your life?

Simply put, positive affirmations improve your life by helping you focus on positive aspects of life while tuning out negative thoughts and limiting beliefs.

By improving what you focus on, you start improving what you attract into your life and with constant practice, positivity starts becoming second nature to you.

Final Thoughts

The universe is like a mirror that reflects our inner world and the more you focus on positivity, the more positive things that you will attract into your life.

If you want to have more positive experiences in your life, you must start by developing a more optimistic attitude and tuning yourself to positivity.

Affirmations help you manifest your true needs and desires by positively influencing your subconscious thoughts and aligning you with the energy of abundance and prosperity.

If you want to start living the life of your dreams make sure that positive affirmations are a part of your daily routine and begin attracting true happiness and fulfillment.

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