47 Love Affirmations To Fill Your Life With Affection

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If you ask people what the most meaningful thing in life is, many would say that it’s love. We all crave this incredible feeling of loving and being loved by someone.

Whether you’re feeling a lack of love in your life or simply want to attract more of this beautiful feeling, these exceptionally powerful love affirmations will help you get the love and affection that you really need!

By using love affirmations on a regular basis you will start to transform your beliefs around relationships and eventually become irresistible to anyone you meet and maybe even find your soul-mate.

The love affirmations that you will find below will get you to become extremely charismatic and magnetic to everyone around you and fill your life with interesting people that respect and care about you.

So, if you’re ready to start manifesting love click the play button and follow along.

Love Affirmations


I am open to give and receive love


I deserve love and affection


I am unique, attractive and beautiful


I love everything about myself


I am loved for who I am


Everyday I get more grateful for the love that I’m receiving


The more I want someone, the more they get attracted to me


My dream relationship is entering my life


A loving partner is my birth right


I have a loving nature that’s growing even more loving everyday


When I love someone I let them know it without holding back


Being loved by the universe brings healing energy into my body


I give others unconditional love and receive it back in abundance


I know that the right person for me is out there


I trust the universe to fill my life with love


I have a vibrant and attractive personality


I always feel magnetic and charismatic


I am manifesting my ideal relationship


I love the feeling of giving and receiving love


I am fully authentic, honest and compassionate towards those that I love


All my relationships are safe and fulfilling


I have the power to choose love over negativity


My soulmate is out there looking for me


I am cheerful, confident and gregarious


Others are drawn towards my uniqueness


I exhale negativity and I inhale vibrant loving energy


Everything in my life fills me with positivity and loving energy


I express myself openly and honestly


I love myself no matter what


I am loved for being myself


I love myself, my partner, my friends and everyone around me


I spread love all around me generously and others love me for it


I attract loving and affectionate people into my life


The world is full of safe, interesting and loving people


Meeting new people makes me feel curious and excited


I am ready to meet my soulmate


I let go of the negative people in my past and open my heart to love


I love being around others and others love being around me


I always find myself around loving and compassionate people


I am attracting love and affection into my life


I choose to live my life with love and positivity


I radiate love energy to everyone around me


The universe loves me and fills my heart with love


I choose generosity, honesty and optimism


True unconditional love finds me everywhere I go


I believe in true love


Everyday I tell someone these 3 magical words “I love you

How Affirmations Can Help You Find Love

When practicing positive love affirmations it’s important to know how they can help you with your love life so that you can get the most out of them.

It’s not uncommon knowledge that our thoughts greatly influence our reality and by having a positive outlook on relationships you can transform your love life completely.

With a daily practice of positive affirmations you can improve your attitude towards others and this paradigm shift will eventually help you fill your life with affectionate and caring people.

So, listen to and repeat these love affirmations whenever you get the chance and manifest true love by focusing your attention fully on positive thoughts about love and relationships.

Best Tips That Will Help Your Relationships

Along with affirmations there are many other ways to improve your relationships and here are some habits that will improve the quality of your relationships;

  • Become a better listener. One great way to improve your social skills is actually listening to the person you are speaking with. Most conversations nowadays have become about pretending to listen while thinking of the next witty remark we can make. But relationships are about connecting with others and the only way to connect is by understanding what the other person is actually saying.
  • Learn to give without expecting something in return. An absolutely wrong way of seeing relationships is looking at them from a transactional point of view. In other ways if you build relationships based on who is useful to you in some way you will end up very unhappy. Instead learn to give and share with others and you will start building real relationships that actually last.
  • Express yourself freely. By becoming a better listener you learn to understand others more clearly and by expressing yourself freely you give others a chance to understand you better. So, instead of wearing masks and acting like someone you’re not when around people, start expressing your true personality. Some people won’t like it, but those who like will be your true friends.
  • Let go of negativity. Nobody likes having someone around who complains all the time. Of course there will be times when you’re feeling depressed or frustrated but it’s always better to be someone who takes on challenges head on and never complains about difficulties. So whenever you find yourself thinking negatively about an obstacle you have to face, try to see it as an opportunity to grow and people will love that attitude.

Final Thoughts

Love is one of the most beautiful and meaningful experiences in life. We do most of the things that we do to be loved by those that we care about.

Love affirmations can help you fill your life with love and affection by reprogramming your subconscious mind and aiding you to develop a more positive outlook on relationships.

Regular practice is key when using positive affirmations so make sure to listen to and repeat them whenever you get the chance and start manifesting true love.

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